
Text to be added when we get that far

Friday, March 4, 2011


This is Mel (a.k.a. The Orange Rainbow Ranger) checking in! Just posting to say my little tid bit about the Club for Change and our mission (Gosh that sounds so cheesy). I, actually, just joined the club this school year, though the former name of the Gay-Straight Alliance was a constant circling name around the school. To chicken to even attend I bucked up my courage and stuck it to the sticking place this year after finding out a fellow friend was in it. I attended once and haven't missed a meeting intentionally since.

During my time attending the Club has done what it could, every month we try and host a fundraiser or at least try and promote awareness for some cause or another. Several of our famous go's have been 'Buy a paper moustache', the 'Anti-Bullying Campaign' and our promotion of self awareness and acceptance of society. However our most genius idea was our Christmas Campaign.

Together the club rustled up a Christmas tree (The old fake one from my basement! Haha, at least it was life size.), glitter, and silver Christmas ornaments. We sat and sold the bobbles for $2 a piece in our rotunda, with full profits going to world vision to buy impoverished families two chickens and a rooster. Boy where we so happy when it actually took off. Sadly, our society is not a giving one and out fundraisers end up costing us money to host, but this time we raised 190-ish dollars and was able to buy two families a possible start out of the hole they were born in.

And now were embarking on an entirely new journey. The Brick by Brick campaign. Come on Carlton, we've cleared the first step by getting it approved by the SLC, lets go even farther by actually raising the money and building a school so that some kids no longer have to live the life of poverty.


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